the check in


I just finished Uprooted by Naomi Novik, and it is such a beautiful book. I like the messy girl, murderous and beautiful woods, witches, strong friendships, resentful queens and the powerfully wondrous magic woven into this book. As someone who used to wander the woods dirty, with messy hair and bare feet, I just felt like this book contained a piece of my heart and I was sad to see it come to an end, even though the ending warmed even the darker, more cynical parts of my heart in so many ways. So to the messy girls out there who are full of magic, I recommend Naomi Novik’s Uprooted.


Okay, so Saint Sister is one of my favorite musical finds this year and if I am able to find a way to listen to the recording of them with Lisa Hannigan, my holidays will have been made. I have a soft spot for Irish music because it sounds like home to me, and this duo is hauntingly beautiful in so many ways. I recommend checking out all their songs, but for now, I’m particularly taken with their newest song releases: Tin Man and Corpses.




We just finished Season 9 of X-Files and while I love the show as a whole, I was pretty bored with this last season. It was pretty obvious the show had run its course and was overdue for an ending, but they were dragging it out for whatever reason. Right now, I’m really into Agents of Shield. This second part of the season has been deliciously dark, and that’s all I’ll say about that for now.



i know i’m not the only one who was shipping scully and reyes 



Winter Solstice is approaching here and I’m planning some time in the dark, and lighting candles for loved ones I miss. Sometimes I feel the need for ritual, but there’s a strong need to make it mine in a very personal way. Ritual for the sake of ritual is not my thing (though I can understand it), so I’m thinking a lot about release and self-compassion for the emotions I’ve bottled up within me and what that looks like symbolically. I’m looking forward to welcoming in the darkness for a day, and reminding myself what the light means to me. So it’s time to say goodbye to the harvest, contemplate the cold and the dark and find ways to create light.

your turn

What about you? What are you reading? Listening to? Watching? What has been on your mind? Feel free to check in below. 

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